Hello and Good Morning my Triguenistas!! How is everyone doing?? I just want to wish every single one of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! and may all your wishes and resolutions come true! All I can say motivate yourself to finsih what you have set for yourself! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!NEVER!!!!... This is something I have also set for myself... and I am really wishing everyone the best!!! :D
My first blog post of the year! Outfit of the day!!! Well I follow a tradition that my parents have tought me ever since I was little...Dont laugh lol!! They say that every 1st day of the year you have to wear something new so you wear new stuff most of the upcomming year! I still follow this tradition..Its just fun lol...
1st outfit of the day
1. Minnie Mouse Sweater bought on Disneyland for $54.99
Jeans from Gstage $10.99
All Star Coverse (My favorite) $50
I have to be honest and that's that I berly buy designer clothes.. Where ever I find cheap clothes I'll be there! Now that my munchkin is here I rather get him the good stuff than buy myself anything! I hope you guys liked it and remember to leave your comments on my page, you can email me at sweettriguena@gmail.com follow me on facebook, or twitter! let me know what you guys think! Lets read each other! Leave me your blog address and I'll follow! Toodles...
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